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Igniting a spark for learning in every individual


Growing people's potential, with ethical learning as a catalyst for positive change 

Employees who bring about positive change because of their ethical training with InGenius

At InGenius, we believe there's a profound connection between learning and ethical behavior. Our commitment goes beyond just facilitating learning success - it's about shaping ethical, responsible, and empathetic, well-rounded individuals who can make meaningful contributions to your business and society.

"Learning to master" implies that knowledge is not only understood but applied in our daily lives – resulting in a constant pursuit of personal development, character building and ethical understanding. InGenius firmly believes it is our responsibility to incorporate elements into our platform that help learners understand and adopt key ethical principles such as honesty, respect for others, fairness and accountability.


Meet the Team

Our team consists of a diverse group of talents, who share a modest obsession for one thing: Finding the secret sauce of learning.

Comming Soon

Head of Product

Our head of product knows the process of learning inside and out - and is the driving force behind our innovative platform.

Johan Engelbrecht


Johan is a seasoned leader and serial entrepreneur who leads the InGenius team forward.

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Maas de Goede


Maas is a driven, entrepreneurial individual who looks after operations at InGenius.

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Dr. Hernani Costa


Hernani is the technological wonder behind our intelligent learning offering.

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Ingenius in the News

This is the space to introduce visitors to the business or brand. Briefly explain who's behind it, what it does and what makes it unique. Share its core values and what this site has to offer.

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